How critical are you of your own performance? How do you measure improvement in your skills and the impact you are making? As a professional public speaker, my skills and ability are literally on display for all to see.

If I don’t perform well it will be immediately apparent. I believe that the more visible your role, the more critical and immediate you need to be about your performance and acutely aware of how to improve it. For each and every public talk, I record it on my own equipment (see This provides me with the ability to critically review every aspect of the content and delivery. It also allows me to share the footage with the people who I trust to coach me to become an even better speaker.

Martin Brooks (The Impacttologist) and I met on Twitter back in 2016.

Since then he has become a trusted friend who can look at my speeches and provide areas for improvement, and where I can make a real impact. It is hard receiving feedback when you think you’re already good, however as any athlete will tell you, there is always a better personal best time to achieve.

For this reason, I actively seek constructive feedback to improve. What are you doing to improve your skills and make a greater impact each day?