28 April 2016 @ 20:30 – 21:30 Europe/London Timezone


Beyond Kim Kardashian: Social media in a Snapchat world


* Itamar Benedy, VP of marketing, Yoga.com
* Stefania Pompani, Chief Evangelist, Clever Girls Collective
* Andrew Grill, Global managing partner, IBM Social
* Stewart Rogers, director of marketing technology, VentureBeat
* Wendy Schuchart, moderator, VentureBeat

Optimize. Connect. Analyze. We’ve all heard the social media buzz words, but how can we move beyond lingo and actualize an effective social media strategy that doesn’t bore the already short-attention-spanned customer?

Given that the average person receives roughly 200 emails per week, how can we get them to care about our bikinis and personalized soaps (aside from using Kim Kardashian as a model)? This in-depth interactive executive learning session can help you fuel a high powered fast and effective social media strategy that does more than buzz and ping.

In this webinar you’ll learn how to create a social media strategy that is unique to your corner of the universe, including how to:

* Differentiate between social media and social messaging
* Utilize analytics to optimize your results
* Empower rather than manage your social media by becoming more effective with the tools at your disposal
* Optimize social media spending to gain the attention of new audiences
* Engage social influencers by using the right tools and approaches
* Craft and deliver the right content and promote it — beyond finding and sending