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10 February 2015 @ 12:00 – 18:00 Europe/London Timezone
Royal College of Physicians
11 St Andrews Place
London NW1 4LE
£100 - £180


CWN Fourth Annual Conference ‘Plugged in … Tuned Out?’ 

Tuesday 10 February 2015 – Royal College of Physicians, London

The Annual Conference, a CWN flagship event drawing senior professional men and women from our network and the financial and business world.

Andrew sat on a panel titled: Polarisation out of digitisation with

Moderator: Evan Davis – BBC Newsnight presenter

Yolande Young – Chief Information Security Officer at SAB Miller

Christina Scott – Chief Information Officer at the Financial Times

The panel explored the opportunities and threats posed by digitisation to established global companies, and how businesses – and boardrooms – are adjusting their strategies and ways of working to grasp the digital imperative.

Evan Davis engaged the panel and invited guests to share their experiences of creating and implementing digital strategies, and asked about the consequences for those who do not effectively navigate this new and evolving terrain. The panel also discussed the gains and costs, and the opportunities and threats posed by digitisation. What choices will define the winners from the losers? As companies continue to embrace new technologies such as cloud computing, virtualisation, big data analytics and the internet of things, the panel will debate what practices businesses should adopt and where should they tread carefully.

The theme for the CWN 2015 Annual Conference was based on the proliferation of digital technology throughout our professional and personal lives. The event explored the costs and benefits to business, to innovation and to professional and personal relationships; whether this empowers or isolates us, and what the implications are.

The 2015 Conference followed the themes of ‘Creative Disruption’ and ‘Adapt or Die’ at our 2014 and 2013 Annual Conferences that were met with great success.  Past speakers included: Bill Winters CBE (CEO and Chairman, Renshaw Bay and former Co-CEO, JPMorgan), Annoushka Ducas MBE (Founder, Links and Annoushka), Dr. Gerard Lyons (Chief Economic Advisor to the Mayor of London), Martyn Lewis CBE (Journalist and Chair, NCVO), Jon Moulton (Founder, Better Capital) and Eze Vidra (Google).

Confirmed speakers for ‘Plugged In…Tuned Out?’  include:

Keynote: Dame Wendy Hall is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Southampton and a Director of the Web Science Institute. She was Dean of the Faculty of Physical Science and Engineering from 2010 to 2014, and Head of the School of Electronics and Computer Science from 2002 to 2007.

  • Dr. John Bates, Chief Marketing Officer and Member of Group Executive Board at Software AG
  • Evan Davis, British economist, journalist, and Newsnight presenter for the BBC
  • Professor Judy Wacjman, Anthony Giddens Professor of Sociology at the London School of Economics, and Research Associate of the Oxford Internet Institute
  • Donna Hindson, Director of Marketing, Advertising & Online at Microsoft
  • Olivia Solon, Technology Editor at the Daily Mirror
  • Frances Booth, Author of The Distraction Trap and digital detox expert
  • Michael Williams, Founder of Stillwork

More information can be found on the CWN website, and the event is now sold out.


12:00 – 13:00     Registration and buffet lunch
13:00 – 13:15      President’s welcome
13:15 – 13:40    Guest speaker/Opening address: Anne-Marie Imafidon

13:40 – 14:30       Panel 1: Polarisation out of digitisation

What are the costs and gains to business? Are we creating a greater divide between ‘Haves / Have Nots’ or empowering a broader audience?

14:30 – 15:20       Panel 2: Collaboration through connection

What are the costs and benefits to innovation?

15:20 – 15:45    Keynote address: Dame Wendy Hall

15:45 – 16.10       Networking over coffee

16:10 – 17.00       Panel 3: Optimisation or dehumanisation

Do we demand more from technology and less from each other? What are the costs, risks and gains to our society and to ourselves?

17.00 – 17.50      Head to Head debate (The Female Factor)

‘The House believes we do not take privacy seriously in this digital era’

Oxford vs Cambridge Union debaters coupled with industry experts

17:50 – 18:00      Closing remarks

The Mac Twins: DJs in the Digital Age

18:00 – 19:30      Networking drinks