90 York Way
Kings Cross, London N1 9AG
Andrew provided the keynote address at the Linedata exchange event in London on 22nd June, 2016.
He discussed the issue of digital disruption and how this will affect the financial and other sectors in a keynote titled:
“Disrupt or be disrupted” – how to stay ahead of the digital curve.
Everyone hears about digital disruption – the taxi industry is being disrupted by Uber, AirBnB is taking on the hotels and Netflix is eating everyone’s much – but it doesn’t apply to us does it?
Think again.
Every section of every industry is being disrupted by digital technologies and new business models.
Digital and social pioneer Andrew Grill, Global Managing Partner at IBM Social Consulting will answer the question – how do we disrupt and not be disrupted?
Cloud, mobile, social, IOT, cognitive, blockchain, big data – these are many of the buzzwords we’re hearing but what do they mean for the Linedata Exchange London audience? Andrew will translate these into a plan you can use to stay ahead of the digital curve.
Andrew also firmly feels that to “get digital”, you have to BE digital, and so will provide some practical tips and tricks.
Past speakers at this event have included David Rowan, Editor of Wired UK, and Stephanie Flanders from the BBC.
More details can be found on the event website.