Adobe Walk and Talk series

  • 27 October 2021
  • Array

Andrew is back again with the team from Adobe to present a keynote as part of their “Walk & Talk” series titled “Why moving from DMP to CDP will improve your business”.

“People buy from people …” – or do they? Does a Digital Marketing Platform (DMP) allow you to really understand people or will a Customer Data Platform (CDP) be better positioned to provide the ability to take data and resolve it to people so we can truly personalise the experience for a customer?

Join The Actionable Futurist®, Andrew Grill to discuss these ideas and discover why a CDP will become the most crucial tool in your technology stack – and not just a marketing point solution.

Topics covered will include:

  • Why you should move from a DMP to a CDP
  • Key features of a CDP
  • Why this makes it about people
  • How this can drive real personalization
  • How it is relevant to long term value and not just the next sale

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