Grafton Group Change Catalyst Conference – AI Masterclass

  • 17 May 2023

Andrew provided an inspirational keynote to Grafton Group leaders at their Change Catalyst Conference on 17th May that included a thorough understanding of what AI is and what it isn’t, and he also a facilitated workshop to look at specific opportunities for the business around AI.

In an afternoon, we were able to come up with a portfolio of ideas that could instantly transition into a proof of concept for the business.

The session covered:

• The different types of AI

• AI uses in specific industries

• New AI platforms, such as Generative AI

• Review of existing AI tools available

• The responsible use of AI

• AI Ethics and risks considerations

• The importance of good quality training data

• AI uses in Grafton’s industry

• Opportunities for AI in Grafton’s group of companies

• Facilitated workshop to derive candidates for a proof of concept

• Actionable next steps

• List of AI resources

The event brought together senior leaders from across each of their brands to be exposed to new ideas and ways of thinking. It allowed them to work together and develop ideas into practical actions that can be used in their businesses.

Participants came away from Andrew’s session with greater knowledge of AI, ML and a sense of the art of the possible, with a practical understanding of how and where technology could be applied in their industry.  

  • Time : 09:00 - 15:00 (Europe/London)

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