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I’ve been guilty of quoting the phrase “The subscription Economy” many times over the last few years without really knowing who coined it – its origins are actually with Tien Tzuo, CEO of Zuora.

To explain more, I was joined by John Smith Phillips, Senior Vice President of SVP Sales & General Manager, EMEA at Zuora on the latest Actionable Futurist Podcast.

We looked at how subscription services might adapt in the future and looked at how John and his clients are currently moving towards a recurring revenue model.

Zuora has helped businesses in all industries transition to subscription models, working with businesses from the Guardian to Schneider Electric.

As John mentions, when you have a recurring revenue model and platform, you can see how your customers are consuming the service – and make changes or better versions of the existing product.

This is a fascinating chat about something many of us take for granted.

More on John
John on LinkedIn
Zuora Website